Gold And Other Natural Resources Companies in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country rich in natural resources, with an estimated total value of RM317.6 billion (US$79.4 billion). The country is the world’s second largest producer of tin, palm oil, and rubber. It is also a major producer of timber, copper, iron ore, and natural gas.

The Malaysian government has been encouraging foreign investment in the exploitation of these resources, with tax incentives and other benefits offered to companies. As a result, a number of multinational corporations have set up operations in the country.

The mining sector is a significant contributor to the Malaysian economy, accounting for 7.4% of GDP in 2016. The sector is primarily focused on the extraction of tin, bauxite, and gold. Tin is Malaysia’s most important mineral commodity, with the country being the world’s second largest producer after China.

Bauxite is another important mineral commodity, with Malaysia being the world’s fourth largest producer. The country has large reserves of high-quality bauxite, which is used in the production of aluminum.

Gold is also mined in Malaysia, although it is not a major commodity. The country is home to the largest gold mine in Southeast