Export And Import Of Agricultural And Forestry Machinery Companies in Malaysia

Malaysia is a country located in Southeast Asia. The country has a population of over 30 million people and an area of 329,847 square kilometers. The country is divided into two parts: the peninsula and the eastern part of Malaysia. The capital city of Malaysia is Kuala Lumpur.

The economy of Malaysia is the fourth largest in Southeast Asia and is considered as a newly industrialized country. The GDP of Malaysia was $296.4 billion in 2014. The main industries in Malaysia are electronics, petroleum, timber, palm oil, and tourism.

The agricultural and forestry machinery companies in Malaysia are involved in the manufacturing of a wide range of machinery and equipment. The products manufactured by these companies include tractors, combine harvesters, threshers, plows, and other agricultural and forestry equipment.

These companies export their products to various countries around the world. The main export markets for the agricultural and forestry machinery companies in Malaysia are the United States, Japan, and the European Union.

The United States is the largest export market for the agricultural and forestry machinery companies in Malaysia. In 2014, the export value of agricultural and forestry machinery to the United States was $1.2 billion.

The agricultural and forestry machinery companies