Garments Manufacturing Companies in Malaysia

There are many garments manufacturing companies in Malaysia. The most well-known ones are probably those that produce Islamic clothing, such as hijabs and abayas. However, there are also many companies that produce other types of clothing, such as t-shirts, jeans, and even formal wear.

The Malaysian government is very supportive of the garments industry, and has even set up special zones where garments companies can operate without having to pay taxes. This has helped to make Malaysia a very attractive destination for garment manufacturers.

Many of the garment companies in Malaysia are actually quite small, and family-run. However, there are also some large, international companies that have set up operations here. The most well-known of these is probably Zara, which has a few factories in Malaysia.

The garments industry in Malaysia is growing rapidly, and is expected to continue to do so in the future. This is good news for both the economy and for the many people who are employed in this sector.