Trading Of Sundry Goods Companies in Malaysia

The Malaysian government has allowed the trading of sundry goods companies in Malaysia since the early 1990s. The government believes that this will promote competition and help reduce the cost of living for the people of Malaysia.

There are many sundry goods companies in Malaysia that are registered with the Malaysian government. These companies are allowed to import and export their products to and from Malaysia. They are also allowed to sell their products to Malaysian retailers.

The Malaysian government has put in place a number of regulations that these companies must follow. For example, all products that are imported into Malaysia must be declared to the Malaysian Customs Department.

The Malaysian government has also stipulated that all products that are exported from Malaysia must be inspected by the Malaysian Quarantine and Inspection Services.

The trading of sundry goods companies in Malaysia has been a success. These companies have been able to provide the people of Malaysia with a wide variety of products at a lower cost.